Friday, January 21, 2011

About Yoga

The word yoga means union- specifically a union between mind, body and emotions. Each person practices yoga for different reasons and realizes different benefits. Physical and mental cleansing and strengthening is one of yoga’s most important achievements.

We live in a time and in a city where stress manifests itself as physical tension in the body and varying degrees of pain, on a daily basis. For most people today, yoga was simply a means of maintaining health and well-being in an increasingly stressful society. Through yoga we can become more aware of the unconscious toll we take on ourselves, and begin to live a more strength, capable,  and more fulfilling life.

Also yoga provides a means for people to find their own way of connecting with their true selves. In this respect, yoga is far from simply being physical exercises. The time you spend on your mat is yours to communicate with your mind, body and emotions, to making harmony between thought, feeling and deed and having a better life.


  1. Modern scientists think that yoga works well because it makes a balance between your nervous and endocrine systems, which both have an effect on other parts of your body. The core benefit of yoga is getting mental peace, boosted concentration, and the feeling of ease of living in harmony.

    yoga benefits weight loss
