You may have heard that you have three bodies: physical, energy, and spiritual. The energy body is made up of a system of meridians, or energy channels. This system has 12 major and eight minor meridians. The 12 major meridians are connected to each of the main internal organs and named accordingly. They are paired, running symmetrically through the physical body. Ki energy moves in and out of the body through 365 energy points located along the meridians. These are the acupuncture or acupressure points.
Learning about the energy system, which affects your physical, emotional, and mental health, can get pretty involved. But having a general idea may help you better understand your own body and individual health condition.
Your Lung Meridian (see the diagram on the left) is a major meridian that begins inside the body around the middle, goes down through the large intestine, comes back up through the diaphragm into the lungs, then through the neck to the collarbone area, and down through the arms. It runs along the surface of the body from the Joong-bu point just below the collarbone to where it ends at the tip of the thumb.
Besides infusing your body with oxygen, your lungs take in ki energy from the air that you breathe and send it throughout your body. Problems in the lungs can cause you to feel tired and weak due to insufficient energy and oxygen going to the rest of your body. People who have lung trouble may have a flushed face and dry mouth, or experience stuffiness in the chest, neuralgia in the arms and wrists, hot palms, and lackluster skin.
Lung trouble, besides having a physical basis, can result from intense emotions for prolonged periods, because the Lung Meridian is related to strong emotions, especially sadness. Sadness is said to lead to diminished lung capacity, which can then lead to other disorders.
Improving energy circulation in the Lung Meridian will empower you with more energy, glowing skin, and better concentration. If you’ve never tried acupuncture or acupressure, you might be amazed at the effectiveness of a treatment from a qualified doctor of eastern medicine. A simple alternative is to practice chest tapping or massage your arm on your own, or get a friend to lend a helping hand.
— Michelle Seo
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